Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Be Prepared Before the Next Earthquake

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One fact of life about living in Alaska is that we have more earthquakes than any other region of the United States. While it is impossible to predict the timing or severity of the next seismic event, it’s a sure thing that major earthquakes will continue to happen here. Take the time now to prepare and protect yourself, your family, and your home. Your future self will thank you.

Practice, Practice, Practice
Just like the fire drills in elementary school, earthquake drills will help you and your family feel more prepared as well as improve your chances of survival. In most instances, you’ll have a better outcome if you practice Drop, Cover, and Hold On. This means that, the moment you feel a tremor, DROP to your hands and knees, COVER your head with your arm or crawl under a sturdy table or desk, and HOLD ON until the shaking ends. Prior to an earthquake, it’s important to identify safe spots in every room, like under desks or sturdy tables. Practice Drop, Cover, and Hold On in all of the rooms of your home, and make sure that your children’s school is holding drills as well. 

Build an Earthquake Kit
Actually, it’s best to build 2 or 3 - one for home, one for your vehicle, and one for your workplace. Your kit should include information on medications, first-aid supplies, a whistle to help rescuers find you, bottled water and snacks, a flashlight, ID cards, cash, a radio with extra batteries, medications, glasses or contact lenses, personal documents (medication list, passport, birth certificate, insurance information, and mortgage or lease information) and a list of family contact numbers. If you have small children, include a favorite toy or game, or other things to keep them occupied and calm during the emergency. 

After the Quake
As soon as the shaking stops, it’s critical to get away from large bodies of water and move to higher ground as soon as it’s safe to do so. Tsunamis can occur almost immediately after an earthquake, so residents will need to stay away from the coast for at least a few days. If you’re trapped underneath debris, use your whistle or cell phone to alert rescuers, or knock loudly every few minutes on something solid. If you are able, check to see if anyone is injured. Offer help or call 911 to report serious injuries immediately. 

If possible, let your family know that you’re safe by registering on the “Safe and Well” site. Text family members to let them know you’re ok, then stay off the phone so that the phone lines are available for first-responders. 

Bonanza Realty has been providing exceptional management services to homeowner associations and planned communities since 1978, the longest running association management company in Anchorage and surrounding areas. Contact us at 907-333-1244 or visit us online at https://www.bonanzarealty.net/